- Applause hello good evening Paris. - Paris hi good evening err coffee thank you so much for calling. - So we have about 20 minutes today. - Okay well I don't have a lot of questions. - I guess I just have four. - Hopefully more won't be born out of those four. - Maybe maybe not tell me what is it you want to do. - Okay well I have a business that I run. - A financial services business. - I provide investment advice and also investment solutions and insurance solutions for individual clients and small businesses. - Okay is that the same thing that you want to do in the government space. - That is exactly what I do want to do in the government space. - And I want to do it more or less for small businesses as opposed to individuals. - Okay how does that work? - Well funny you should ask because today was actually my first step into doing the research to see how that looked. - So I spoke with the procurement specialist today. - I'm in Alabama now. - I'm from New York but I'm now doing business in Alabama. - And I spoke to a procurement specialist. - And he advised that I provide some sort of teaching service by way of subcontracting to small businesses. - And perhaps market myself through that avenue. - I'm trying to get my thoughts together. - Okay from what I'm hearing it sounds like you are offering a service to businesses. - However, when we teach there are people who want to offer services to the government, which is different. - Now there are programs where the government pays contractors to teach small businesses. - And I think that was what...
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SubContractor Agreement colorado Form: What You Should Know
The Colorado contract or subcontract, by entering into an agreement with a general contractor, a corporation, or other similar entity, the customer retains the right to control all aspects Colorado contract or subcontract including The scope of services provided with a contract or subcontract The relationship between the sub, including the payment of Colorado Contractor Agreement Form: Free Colorado Subcontractor Agreement Form — WORD This form is similar to a subcontractor agreement. In essence, this form defines the contract between the business entity and the contractor that will perform the contract. The General Contractor and Independent Contractor Agreements — Free Colorado Subcontractor Agreement — PDF This form details the terms and conditions of a subcontractor agreement or independent contract with a general contractor. A general contractor is a business who performs Colorado General Contractor — Free CU Contractor Information — Word | PDF — forms General contractor agreements are contracts between the state, a municipality, a community college, the state or a state agency, and a business entity. The Colorado General Contractor Agreement, by this contract, establishes the general conditions of an independent contractor relationship the customer and/or company have entered into with a general contractor. Colorado General Contractor Agreement Colorado General Contractor Agreement — PDF This Colorado General Contractor Agreement provides details on how a vendor will perform its service.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing SubContractor Agreement colorado