Hi, Attorney Steve Fondren is a business and real estate lawyer who is licensed to practice law in California and Arizona. Today's topic on the Attorney Steve whiteboard is real estate independent contractors. Currently, there are a couple of lawsuits pending in California regarding the classification of independent contractors versus employees. When starting or running a brokerage, it is crucial to be careful with the classification of your employees. Hiring employees triggers numerous state and federal employment laws, which can be a downside. In the real estate industry, it is preferable to have agents, brokers, processors, and transactional coordinators classified as independent contractors. As a broker, it is your responsibility to have an independent contractor agreement with all of your employees. Our firm specializes in drafting these agreements and considers the factors that determine whether someone is an independent contractor or an employee. Two recent cases in Los Angeles Superior Court and California, Beres Irani v. Caldwell and Ivan F. Cruz v. Redfin, have dealt with the misclassification of employees as independent contractors. Even though these cases are still ongoing, there is an argument that in practice, these individuals are being treated as employees. If this is the case, state and federal employment laws regarding wages, hours, and overtime come into effect, which can create a significant legal problem. It is important to stay updated on these cases, so make sure to bookmark our website by clicking on the red "V" on this video. While we will be providing updates on these cases, I want to emphasize that the information provided here is general and not legal advice. Classifying independent contractors correctly is a complicated area of the law. If you need assistance in creating independent contractor agreements or require more specific advice, please give us a call. We can guide you through...
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SubContractor Agreement california Form: What You Should Know
When are subcontractors created? Project managers create subcontractors when they are unable to find another contractor, as in the case of a project sustained by the owner.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing SubContractor Agreement california